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Image by Bridget Flohe
Image by Christian Diaz

Organizing your wedding has never been so easy

Who had allergies? How many need a bus? Has your cousin confirmed? Websites, Excel, WhatsApp, everything is chaos... But what if you could manage everything in one place without any headache? 

15 days - No commitment - No credit card required

Why Wataboda?

At your wedding, you should be creating memories, not managing RSVPs.

Two profiles, one app

Bride and Groom | Guests

Boyfriends profile screen
Guest profile screen

Bride,Broom Profile

Guest Profile

  • Guest Profile : Guests can view all information, receive messages, confirm their attendance and upload photos and videos.

  • Bride and Groom Profile : The bride and groom can also send communications, edit information and view the confirmation status of their guests.


Assistance | Allergies | Transport

Forget about Excel to find out who has confirmed your appointment, who is allergic to shellfish or who needs a bus.


With our app, you will always have all this information at hand without having to do anything, and you can also export it to send it to the catering service.


Your guests will only need to select their preferences when confirming their attendance.

Guest confirmation screen
Wedding confirmation screen


Reminders | Changes | Information

Boyfriends notifications screen
Guest notifications screen

We hope there are few of them, but there will always be people you will have to remind if they need a bus or if they will be able to attend.

With notifications, you can easily remind them to RSVP, if they need a bus, and let everyone know of any changes that may arise.

Your guests will receive a push notification on their mobile .

Shared album

Photos | Videos | Highest quality

Forget about having photos sent to you via WhatsApp. With our app you will have a shared album where you and your guests can upload high-quality photos and videos , like and comment.

Screen photos gallery
Screen photos feed


Photos | Texts | Colors

Customization screen drawer
Personalization screen

You can fully customize your app to make it look just like you always dreamed. You can choose colors, edit texts and photos for each of the screens.

Plus, you can change it whenever you want, because we know it's hard to have everything clear from day one.


Dress code | Accommodation | Tasks

Additionally, if your guests are coming from out of town, you can include recommended hotels and restaurants.

You can also include a dress code , with photos that serve as inspiration.

In addition, you have a to-do list for the bride and groom, so that you don't leave a single thing undone.

Tasks screen
Accommodation screen

Bride, Broom... How to start?

Easy! Once you just need to download the app to get started.



Hire Wataboda from our website and download the app directly from Google Play or App Store.



Add all your wedding information and customize colors, photos and text to make it unique.



Share your unique wedding code with your guests and forget about stress.

Image by Katelyn MacMillan

What do our customers say?

“It is very convenient to be able to see all the photos in one place and relive the day through the eyes of your guests”

David and Stephanie

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